Thursday, December 8, 2011

Womens Rights in Sports!

  • High school women and mens sports should be treated equally.
Evidence- Concrete Detail:
  • Women have the same rights as men.
    • Commentary 1- Women run just like a man and sometimes even faster.
    • Commentary 2- Women play soccer, basketball,  and softball (baseball) just like a man they throw, shoot and kick the same.
  • Guys sports in high school more praised on in sports.
    • Commentary 1- Football has had more money spent on them than all the other sports in high school put together, yea they are very successful but of course their head coach is Athletic director.
    • Commentary 2- As for high school girl sports they have not had new jerseys, or warm ups in the last 3 to 4 years but the football team gets new things each year just cause who their coach is.
  • Opposing Claim/ They say:
    • People say that the boys are better and they work harder and deserve what they get, and that our school is a football school and that's all everyone cares about.
  • My Rebuttal/ I say:
    • If a woman devoted her life to working out, and eating healthy all the time I think she could play with the men. It should be a woman choice what she plays, if a girl signs up for football she should have to fill out \forms and if she gets hurt shes responsible not the coaches it was her choice to be out there. They don't make football leagues for girls in high school, and I don't understand why!
  • My Paragraph
    • High school girl sports are looked down upon while high school boys sports get worshiped for everything they do. People involved with athletics should be more involved than what they are. Women can do just about anything a man can do so I don't see what is so special about them, and why everyone thinks they are better. Women need to be treated equally and get the same treatment men get we aren't working hard everyday for nothing, we are doing it for a fans and to represent our school if we aren't gonna get treated equally why are we out there.